5 ways to improve children’s health

Your children need your help to thrive but as a parent, it isn’t possible to watch over them every second of the day. This makes it essential to boost their immunity and physical wellbeing. Doing so can give you peace of mind in knowing they will be safe while they are away from you.
To help you out, below are five ways in improving your child’s health:
To help you out, below are five ways in improving your child’s health:
- Limit their junk food
Most children usually prefer junk food over a good home cooked meal. These types of food usually have more calories and fewer nutrients which they need for their development. You don’t have to completely cut them off of their chips, sodas, and chocolate bars. Set one day in a week where your kids can eat junk food. This helps promote moderation and keep their cravings at bay. Also try to make healthy foods more enjoyable and inviting.
- Encourage outdoor play
Playing while under the sun is a good way to increase your child’s immunity, metabolism and mood. Your child can gather more vitamin D while staying physically active. A good way to promote physical activity is to ignite their interest in sports. If they show any signs of liking something like footy, netball or cricket, grab this opportunity immediately. Spend the weekend showing them how to play the sports and provide some small competitive game with your kids or sign them up for a team.
- Provide them supplemental vitamins
It can be difficult to prepare your children’s lunches with the right amount of nutrients every day. It can even be hard to know if they will eat it or not. A good solution to ensure they will have the right amount of nutrients per day is to give them supplemental vitamins. There are children varieties available that are chewable and sweet, similar to a lolly.
- Increase their self-esteem
Your child’s self-esteem or self-worth is very important to their health. It allows them to build meaningful relationships with other people and allows them to focus on a goal they want to achieve. You can increase their self-esteem by encouraging them during challenging times such as examination week. If they are able to accomplish a difficult task or are able to do a good deed, praise them.
5.Be a good role model
5.Be a good role model
Improving your health is a good step towards boosting your child’s wellbeing. Set a proper example to them by exercising regularly and eating junk food in moderation. Play with your kids on the weekend when you can until they are the ones who wants you to join them.
These tips are just a few things that can help boost your kid’s health as well as your own. For more advice, or to give them an added boost, talk to Elite Vitamin Zone about their various supplements and vitamins.
These tips are just a few things that can help boost your kid’s health as well as your own. For more advice, or to give them an added boost, talk to Elite Vitamin Zone about their various supplements and vitamins.